Orvis Artist in Residence
Fear can persuade us not to take the unconventional step, the fruitful risk, to stay within our comfort zones and not try things that we would benefit from. Fear disapproves of radical courses of action; it draws our attention to the things that might go wrong, the things that could or should be done differently, the dangers that ninety percent of the time, do not materialize. Thus, we need to take wise note of some of the things fear alerts us to while also knowing when to merely acknowledge it and use it to our advantage instead of running from it.
This moss mural was created while I was the Honolulu Museum of Art at Spalding House's Artist in the Museum. It illustrates my personal experience of transition and growth. As part of my experience I invited friends to help me hike and collect moss, visitors to assist me in keeping the moss hydrated and watch it evolve over the course of my residency all while encouraging them to think about how this maxim might apply to their own lives.